Hi Peter,

We've been using PingPlotter Pro for a while now and helped us solve myriads of problems. Great tool!
Straight to the point...We are constantly experiencing rather heavy packet loss on our servers as you can see from the picture. I'm aware of fact that packet loss on routers is irrelevant as long as it doesn't appear on the destination server (see hop 6 on graph), however, hop 11 ( – it’s actually hop 10 on graph above) is constantly showing packet loss that's clearly being carried over to our server (

We are experiencing same packet loss from different remote offices (different ISP) connecting to our Data Centre once they cross to Data Centre’s ISP (namely router Typical symptoms like lag, stickiness, cursor catching up while typing a text are present.

Would that signify a problem with the particular router (which our ISP denies)? If not, how come “the red packet loss shape” on our server always mirrors the packet loss shape on their router.

Sorry for long answer.

Many thanks in advance.
